Spring training camp

Travel information:

Dates: March 10 to 16, 2025.      Consult with us if you want to arrive/leave earlier/later.

Target audience: For the recreational cyclist and triathlete. All levels are welcome – we form three groups. Group 1 for the novice cyclist or cyclists who use this week for their first kilometres of the year. Group 2 for recreational riders who remain active during the winter months and exercise at least once a week. And group 3 for Gran Fondo and competitive cyclists and those who train a lot. Non-cycling partners are also welcome!

Price and accommodation
You can choose from the following three options (prices are for 7 nights including breakfast):

  • Hotel 2*: € 645,-    (single room + € 200)
  • Hotel 4*: € 795      (single room + € 320)
  • Without accommodation (only participating in our trainings): € 200,-


This theme week is all about improving your endurance. If you have a summer cycling goal, spring is the time to work on your basics. The better your endurance (basic), the more effect you will get from intensive training later in the season. This means that we will do long tours at a leisurely pace.

We start Monday with a quiet short ride. The next two days consist of long endurance training, followed by a short recovery training. The following three days we increase the pace slightly and do some exercises during the training (pedaling technique exercises, strength blocks and more), all well adjusted to the level of the group. And on the last day we participate in the Gran Fondo Calella. Every day we tackle a new trail from the province of Girona. Please ask us for the exact program.

After the training sessions, we arrange lunch for the enthusiasts at our regular restaurant. Halfway through the week we organize an information evening about, among other things, training with a ‘schedule’ and there is plenty of room for tips & tricks for cycling techniques in the mountains.

The supervisors this week are Paul (our regular coach and owner of Campo Bicicleta), Alex (our second guide & coach) and Huub (our regular supervisor for the connection weeks) will take our least fast cyclists with us this week.



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